Whereas, the national non-profit organization, The "We Card" Program, Inc., is designed to provide training and education to the retail community to help retailers comply with age-restricted product laws and serve their communities as responsible retailers; and

Whereas, through The "We Card" Program Inc., in-store training and education materials, online training programs, and the mystery shopping service "ID Check-Up" are available to all West Virginia retailers on We Card's website, www.wecard.org; The "We Card" Program, Inc., is also endorsed by the West Virginia Oil Marketers and Grocers Association and the West Virginia Wholesalers Association; and

Whereas, if we work together, West Virginia will benefit from responsible retailing community that successfully prevents tobacco and other age-restricted product sales to minors.

Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that I, Earl Ray Tomblin, Governor of the Great State of West Virginia, do hereby proclaim September 2014, as:

"We Card" Awareness Month

in the Mountain State and encourage all retailers to participate by letting their customers know that "In West Virginia, we don't sell tobacco and other age-restricted products to kids,"

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of West Virginia to be affixed.

Done at the Capitol, City of Charleston, State of West Virginia, this the twelfth day of September, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand Fourteen, and in the One Hundred Fifty-Second year of the State.

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